It's fully Fall and the garden is showing it! Tuesday our gardeners dawned costumes and c
elebrated Halloween. Tonight is 1st Thursday and our gates will open with Rebecca Lynn and the Magical Planet. Friday's have been full in the garden with Little Sprouts, volunteers from POLA HS, and visitors the last few weeks Rev. Dave has welcomed more than 100 people each day!
Saturday Feed and be Fed is hosting our annual compost event Pumpkin Smashing. If you have not had the joy of smashing a pumpkin for the sake of compost now is your time! The event is from 4pm-6pm and includes baked goods from community members, and donated water from Liquid Death. This is event is super fun for kids and adults both. We will have a pint-sized smashing section and a full sized smashing section complete with a wooden hammer for smashing. This garden fun is not to be missed.
The Garden Church will continue our sermon series on abundance with a focus on Jesus' words in John 14 on peace. Perhaps it's a counterbalance to the smashing which happened the day before, there will however be an abundance of pumpkin pieces and seeds ready for compost.
Come as you are, stay as you are able.
In Faith,
Rev. Amanda
Sunday Rhythm:
3pm Work Together
4pm Worship Together
5pm Eat Together
All Are Welcome