Spring has sprung in the garden, Rev. Jonathan harvested our first strawberries, the flowers are blooming and the pollinators are busy. More and more seeds are going in the ground each week as we prepare for the summer crops. It is an exciting time in the garden. Likewise, our church community has been hard at work preparing for this week--Holy Week, the week in which we remember the last days of Christ and mark this sacred time with prayer and worship.
Tonight we will begin our annual Holy Week rhythm. We will meet on zoom at 6pm for 3 nights beginning tonight and then at 6am on Easter Morning for our first ever Easter Sunrise Service. Also new this year is our vigil in the garden beginning at 8pm and lasting until Midnight in small groups we will sit vigil in the garden as Jesus asked his disciples to do the same with him ahead of Jesus' arrest.
You are invited to join us on this Holy Week journey, from the last supper with the disciples to the cross, to Easter Vigil to the sunrise on Easter morning. All Are Welcome.
In Faith,
Rev. Amanda