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Black History is Our History

Whatever our race or ethnicity, however long ago or recently we or our ancestors came to this continent, black history is our history as Americans.

From the Atlantic Slave Trade, to the plantation system and industrialization, to Emancipation, to Jim Crow, to the Great Migration, to the Civil Rights Movement, to Black Lives Matter, people of African descent have played a central role in making the United States the wealthy and powerful nation it is today.

The courage and tenacity of African-Americans in the struggle to secure their full rights as citizens of the United States, have inspired all of us who seek freedom, equity and justice for all segments of our society.

Yet continuing racial inequities are shockingly obvious if only we we are willing to open our eyes and acknowledge what we see. Here at the Garden Church we have committed ourselves to the work of anti-racism. This starts with learning our racial history, at both national and local levels. It means confronting the economic, societal and structural forces that keep these inequities in place. And it requires us to advocate for the public policy changes which will bring these inequities to an end.

This Sunday we are honored to hear a message from Joe Gatlin of the San Pedro-Wilmington NAACP, sharing with us his knowledge of Black History.

Let us never be afraid of hearing the truth,

Rev. Jonathan

Sunday Rhythm

3pm Work Together

4pm Worship

5pm Eat together grab and go style format

All Are Welcome

Come as you are, stay as you are able.

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