Last weekend we celebrated Earth Day in the Garden. The Little Sprouts had Earth Day art (including beet stamps!--a video here), and our own Elizabeth Sala preached on "Active Hope" reminding us to keep hoping and to act like it. While every day is Earth Day in the garden, we are proud to be part of the estimated 1 billion people in nearly 200 countries worldwide who marked this day of celebration and gratitude for our planet.
This Sunday we continue our crossroads series as we look at reconciliation with creation as part of our calling at the crossroads. As we contemplate our place in history and the choices before us we are we remember the sacred reminders in scripture. One of which is that we are called to a ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18). This includes a call to reconcile with creation. When a relationship is out of sorts reconciliation is needed, when we are out of sorts with the ways we are living in God's creation the same kind of work and repair is called for. This week we will spend time with the idea that we are called to reconcile with God's creation knowing that we too are part of that creation.
Join us this Sunday.
Come as you are, stay as you are able.
In Faith,
Rev. Amanda
Sunday Rhythm:
3pm Work Together
4pm Worship Together
5pm Eat Together
All Are Welcome