Sundays are warm in the Garden these days but with the help of our easy up shades, it hasn't been too hot yet! We sweat during Work Together at 3pm. We cool off in the shade during Worship at 4pm. By 5pm the temperature at Eat Together time has been perfect.
Our Sermon Series on Prayer continues... We have been a part of The Prayer that Jesus taught us, deeply listening to Rev. Amanda and Rev. Dave, take it piece by piece and have grown in understanding appreciation of "The Our Father" for 5 weeks. Now we are transitioning to what else prayer can be. How do you pray? Every faith tradition has their way. Every individual has their way.
Some may be looking for new ways. Since drums are special to me, the Reverends thought I could explore how drumming could be a new way to pray for us! But it is not new, drums are part of Judeo Christianity, drums are in the bible. Anything can be a drum. In Psalm 81 God appeals to a stubborn Israel. In Psalm 149 there is praise for God's goodness to Israel. In Psalm 150 there is praise for God's surpassing greatness. I will bring drums, the sermon will be interactive. Let's do it, don't be shy. Come to the Drum Circle of Prayer!
In Faith,
Pastor Connie
Sunday Rhythm:
3pm Work Together
4pm Worship Together
5pm Eat Together
Come as you are, stay as you are able
All Are Welcome