In the garden things are growing like crazy, the feed and be fed farm stand at the farmer's market (in Little Italy, 638 S. Beacon St.) has been overflowing the last few Fridays. The in-between season where plants were growing but not yet producing is over and the bounty of the garden is evident. It is humbling to see the goodness coming from the earth each week to nourish the body and the soul.
On Saturday we are looking forward to joining with Temple Beth El in a belated celebration of Tu Bishvat, the New Year of the Trees rescheduled form last month. Together we will garden, engage in theological reflection and share elements of a New Year of the Trees seder meal in a grab-and-go style format. This takes place at 1pm on Saturday in the garden and all are welcome.
On Sunday we are continuing our sermon series, this week the focus is on climate or as is often said in Christian circles "Earth Care." This week we will look at scripture texts on creation and hope and find our place in the midst of them as we seek to turn the tide on climate change from our little garden in the heart of downtown San Pedro.
We hope you will join us: Sunday Rhythm 3pm Work Together 4pm Worship 5pm Eat together grab and go style format All Are Welcome Come as you are, stay as you are able. In Faith, Rev. Amanda