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Writer's pictureThe Garden Church

"Peace in the World"

As a child I remember the idea of "World Peace" being bandied about as a joke. Something said by beauty contest participants when asked about life goals. The implication being only someone beautiful and therefore dumb (because I guess we can't be both) would naively imagine world peace is possible. Then in college I took a class called "Peace Studies" and learned about the principled actions of strategic nonviolence. Most of us here in America are familiar with the peaceful acts of civil disobedience which took place during our Civil rights movement. Actions like lunch counter sit ins are part of a larger strategy of nonviolent resistance which has been world-wide.

Two weeks ago Rev. Dave preached on the topic of peace within. Last Sunday I preached on the topic of peace in proximity, or peace in our personal relationships. This Sunday we will expand to peace in the world. I know today the idea of peace in our world seems as far fetched as it did when it fell from the mouth of a beauty queen decade's ago, and yet peace among God's children is what out Lord desires and what we hold in continuous hope.

Join us as we spend time on the topic of peace reflecting on the words of the prophet Isaiah. 

In Faith,

Rev. Amanda

Sunday Rhythm:


3pm Work Together

4pm Worship Together

5pm Eat Together

Come as you are, stay as you are able

All Are Welcome

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