The last month in the garden and at the Feed and be Fed Farm has yielded more produce than we've seen all year. As the summer crops do their thing the Feed and be Fed leaders have been hard at work not just in the garden but planning the annual fundraiser. In just two short weeks the garden will be filled with excellent food, friends of the garden and hopefully you! Tickets are for sale here or by clicking the image below. Can't make it on Saturday, 9/14? Donations can also be made here.
With the students back in school, it's hard not to feel like the summertime is winding down. At the end of August each year we have our annual community meeting and annual community meeting including officer elections. In addition to our annual church business we'll conclude our prayer series with prayer stations to practice together ways to pray.
We hope to see you in the garden soon.
In Faith,
Rev. Amanda
Sunday Rhythm:
3pm Work Together
4pm Worship Together
5pm Eat Together
Come as you are, stay as you are able
All Are Welcome