In garden time it's the height of summer production. Each Friday the baskets heading to the Farmer's Market (corner of 6th and Mesa) are brimming with freshly picked veggies and herbs. The plants are heavy with the weight of fruit and no matter how many times you harvest the green beans there always seem to be more.
This weekend marks the unofficial start of the fall and with it we will kick off our new fall sermon series "Truth, Power and Politics" with guest preacher and Theological Student Ben Gunter. About his message for Sunday Ben says: "In the age of modern media and heated discourse, many people have strong and contradictory views on the truth. How are we to identify truth and believe with confidence? This Sunday we will discuss the significance of this challenge and how God empowers us with the tools to hold the truth within ourselves."
Every four years we take time to encourage civic engagement through voting. It has never been easier to check your voter registration status or register to vote. Click here to check your status or the flyer below. Ahead of this upcoming election our we will gather virtually for a brief time of prayer on Mondays at noon starting September 9th. Mark your calendars and join us here!
Our partner organization Feed and be Fed is hosting its annual fundraiser in just 2 weeks! If you haven't gotten your tickets yet, grab them before the pricing goes up. (Tickets can be purchased here.)
We are looking forward to seeing you in the garden!
In Faith,
Rev. Amanda
Sunday Rhythm:
3pm Work Together
4pm Worship Together
5pm Eat Together
Come as you are, stay as you are able
All Are Welcome