This weekend The Garden Church will join churches around the world in telling the story of Jesus' birth. It is well-worn and comforting. A reminder that God can arrive in unexpected ways, in unexpected places, to unexpected people and with unexpected circumstances. It is a familiar and important to call to all of us to remember the story, and what it means for us and this world.
A story that quickens the heart
On the hillsides, hope was heard singing unexpected Hallelujahs. In a Bethlehem backwater, hope hovered and love was born. And now, as the wise journey and the powerful start to pace the floor and mumble into sleepless nights, we gather – the light of the world is here. The job now is to keep it burning. -From Hope was Heard Singing, Wild Goose Publications Join us in gathering this weekend to tell, remember and treasure the story. Saturday 12/24--Christmas Eve 5pm Worship a brief reception to follow Sunday 12/25--Christmas Day 3:30pm Tree Trimming 4pm Worship: meditation by Licensed Pastor Candidate Connie McOsker 5pm Community Meal
In Faith,
Rev. Amanda